I was selected from a body of students who had received Central Michigan Scholarships to speak at an event for those who are able to contribute to the many scholarships offered. I was a recipient of the Katherine Ardis UX Endowed Award and the Barstow Memorial Award, and spoke on the effects donors have on a student's life.
I am forever grateful to the many scholarships I have received, not only from CMU but from outside agencies as well. It is how I was able to attend school. How I was able to achieve my dreams. How I was able to learn the most, befriend the most, and find myself. I am forever grateful.
I was referenced by my printmaking professor, spoke with one other selected student, and was able to have additional professors and my parents come to the event to aid in my many "thank you"s.

Me with my fellow student speaker, Central Michigan's Dean, my ceramics professor, and Typography professor

Perfect time for a family photo and headshot ;)