Perani's Hockey World was a real world client brought to our advertising class due to the owner's daughter being in the course. Perani's needed some ideas on how to expand their social media presence to hopefully aid in brand recognition especially to the younger audience.
The ideas were then brought to the client in which they would later bring to their own creative team. My posts for "do the Perani" and "Perani Player of the Week" were chosen to move forward. The idea behind "do the Perani" was to start a trend of mimicking their logo's pose with objects nearby for social media, and later Jumbotrons at the local hockey games. The "Perani Player of the Week" is a way to get their main demographic, young kids and the parents, recognition and traffic to the social platforms to share how proud they are of them.
- Photoshop - Illustrator -

We want to see you do “the Perani!” Strike our pose however, wherever, whenever you hear the words “do the Perani!” I’m not sure how good a ukelele will do out in the rink, but who knows! Thank you @glorious_gloria1999 for your participation! Make sure to use #dotheperani with whatever and whoever you are with! The more creative the better!
#peranishockeyworld #playthegame #hockey #perani’s #hockey #support #contest

Copy for the post on the right:
Trace O representing Flint, the USA and Perani's Hockey World at the 2022 CANUSA Games! Way to go! This kid is definitely Perani Player of the Week material! Way to represent!
#peraniplayeroftheweek #perani’s #hockey #MVP #Peranipicks #Contest #equipment #skates

Ideas for additional social postings:
TikToks explaining 5 reasons Perani skates are the best, 5 reasons Perani is the one-stop-shop, etc.
Fun graphics to allude to promotions or new supplies coming to the hockey store
Instagram stories taking polls like, "This or That"s to understand purchasing trends