The Uglies brand is super fun and "hip" with the younger crowd. The chip brand takes all potatoes no matter what they look like and make them into delicious kettle chips to minimize the amount of food waste in the highly "perfect" product world we live in. My advertising class used them for a speck TV spot and social post. The social post was meant for Halloween due to it, at the time, being the upcoming holiday.
- Photoshop - Illustrator -

Copy for Halloween post:
@Uglies: Trick or TREAT? Uglies Potato Chips make the best spooky snack, costume contest prize, and treat for those going out for Halloween. Make sure to download your monster masks (printable from our website ugliessnacks.com) and use #uglies with your picture so we can choose our favorite spooky mask-wearer to win a whole box of our one of a kind chips!
Halloween is about dressing up as what you want! Be unique! Be scary! Be cute! Be what you want!
#ugliessnacks #maskcontest #halloween #giveaway #uglies #trickortreat #contest #beyou #potatolife #ugly4lyfe

TV Spot script

TV Spot idea sketched and worked out

Ideas for Halloween social posts